SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

@Unknown it’s probably worth it to White Grip and Resonance Methnor

Just in case and not wasting your Great Cleansing

I will never vote Wolfy. The wolf shant be touched

Them’s be scummin’ words, mister.

we need to kill the witch, not the corrupt, the corrupt is second

No shit Sherlock, where have you been?


Rope’s in this game???

I legit completely forgot

@RopeStringFace join us on the Wolfy wagon

They have yet to claim

If you are scum, just stay silent as everyone accuses each other and everyone will forgot you exist because no one scrolls up to player list

I only spoke because 1) i’m not scum and 2) eventually someone would realize

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Except for Eevee apparently lol

Вы - огромный прикладом, который заслуживает линчевания

(Google translate that shit: You are a huge butt that deserves to be lynched, for those who are to lazy)

If you weren’t basically confirmed I’d be calling for your head right about now.


how did evee survive the between the eyes?


Cause it’s night ability?

That is if you are claiming archer.

He’s claimed night immune

Although why would you shoot him N1?

I wasn’t attacked anyway tho

Even as Witch or whatever he’s useful to keep alive lol
