SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

I’m just so confused by Brax’s flipflopping. I am abit sus of this.

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If he’s not Archer he’ll be hanged tomorrow instead so yeah he’s dead.

Lets put some pressure on him. Shall we?

There’s no need to. He’s dead either way.

Finee… I’m keeping my vote on him.

Only one???


Only one.

You guessed the class of very much everyone here and had only one, ONE incorrect guess???

No I guessed three people and got one incorrect guess.

I need to know. Is there a class that can change classes upon death?

The Evangelist can be ruled out. The source can revive, but a revive does not corrupt per se.
Who did you guess?


Can you confirm if these 3 are someone we should look into?

and your guesses for each one?

NozBugz - Quartermaster.
Wolfy - Witch.
RopeString - Duke.

Two of these people are dead.

That’s why I need to know if there is any Class that can change the results of an execution or kill.

…Or the 3rd person is somehow pulling off a lie where they take credit for someone elses actions??
Thought that’s very very VERY unlikely^

But both Noz and Rope are alive… Only Wolfy is dead. Right?

The lack of deaths tonight and the abundance of Night Immune deaths the night before make me suspect a Viking to exist.

Another one of my children???

Hey, I created the Archivist and The Corrupt so… yeah.