SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

If I would want to kill people quietly, I wouldnt have announced it day 1, would I.
Also, all my kills will have a nice death note to identify them I guess.

I still want to kill king tbh. They directly claimed neutral.


The problem is Eevee, what you’re saying is illogical.
You’re admitting to being a killer.
You’re admitting to be a Neutral.
You’re admitting that you obviously don’t care and you’re going to kill anyway

What faction actually should trust you at all?

Other neutrals?

Im gonna scumhunt for fun, but my objective is to survive.
And not killer, but offensive wich can kill. Quite the difference.

Neutrals are always a minority.
If Eevee randomly kills, they’d likely be voted D2 logically

Do I seem like I want to kill randomly. Look again.

Offensive with NI piercing kills.
Yeah cause everyone’s gonna want that alive :roll_eyes:

Im not saying he should do this. Just that he might try to side with other neuts

.> Side with other neutrals
.> plans to kill neutral king

Yep. Definetly.

There’s absolutely no logical reason behind claiming Corn. It’s literally saying, kill me D2. Is it not?

Its saying “dont visit me or be boddied”.

Or would you prefer unknown neutral veteran in the game?

Maby he wants to become king? Idfk

It just doesn’t make sense you’d claim.
It’s hard asking to be killed by every single person

^ I wouldnt mind, but tbh I would prefer some confirmed BD to be a king.

Killing night immune roles is fun and I want to do it.

But in all likelihood you’re going to slip up.
You shouldn’t have claimed.
Don’t just attack us in the first 5.
There’s no reason why one of us is scum over the other 15.

I absolutely wouldn’t mind stepping up as King tomorrow after I prove.

My class is not good for this mode. King is pmuch a straight upgrade.

Quick everyone attack/invest/guard/otherwisevisit Eevee so we can kill him N1!

That will show him :wink: