SFoL10 Chaos (The Corrupt, The Crazed King and The Archivist Win!)

There’s 20 people. Take you out Eevee and that leaves 19.

If we have 2 scum as that’s the normal starting amount for a bad faction. Then chances you’d hit one of them in first 5 are:
5/19 x 2/19 = 2.77%

So all he has to do to kill all of the scum is KILL THEM ALL!!!

Thats not how math works pkr.

It is how math works. Its just not how ToL works

Like if I chosen 19/19 than 19/19 * 2/19

Means If I killed everyone right now I woould have only 10% chance of killing scum.


Fine. Chance you’d find a scum is 2/19. That’s all it takes right? But if you’re only searching 5/19

Then it’s 5/19 of 2 then?
It’s the late evening I’m trying to help.
But come on now. You’re so funny and clever by making a laugh out of me

Plot twist. Eevee is right and there is no scum in this game

47% chance that there is one scum among them. I will take it.
Especialy that there is no way 20 player game started with 2 scum and 0 other neutrals/stuff.

I lied about stepping up to be King. Ignore everything I said about that. I’m a silly goose.

There is always the 100% (basically since he outed.) chance that the king isn’t BD.

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But I’d still rather you don’t kill me. I can still do some good with this.

TBH, yeah, I’d rather you kill the king.
Not an outed investigative.
As I’ve provided multiple reasons to not kill me

wait cant the king just not use an ability?

Technically can’t we all just not use an ability?

I force people to visit me, not to use the ability

True. That’s very true.
So, technically you should be able to force King

^ give him wine

For once I’m not a Butler.
I don’t want any more wine.
I don’t want that Wine In Front Of Me ever again


I ment that you speak wisely and wine is a prize. I didnt meant the ability… duh

Can’t I have something sweeter instead then?
King! Can I have permission to share a room with Wolfy but instead there’s a door to separate mini sides of the same room?