SFoL11 UltimatePick - Game Over! (:IciHeadBanging:)

Welcome one and all to SFoL11: ULTIMATEPICK



Days will be 3 IRL days long, or shorter if someone dies
Nights will be 2 IRL days long
Actions are done by messaging me
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it
The lengths of the day and night will be decided.


To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
Trials are in play. Once someone reaches majority, a trial will begin. Normal trial rules for FoL apply here.


Journals are in this game. Normal FoL rules apply here.

Special Mechanics (Very Important!)

This game’s signups will not end until nobody has joined for 48 hours or most already signed up players say: /End Signups. After that, all should PM me answers to the below questionaire:

Questionaire Please give me a name of a class that you'd like to see in this game: __________________ Do you want the class names to be given to the person who made it or someone random? -The person who made it -Someone random Do you want this game to be Bastard or not? -Yes -No Do you want this game to be a F A B U L O U S M U L T I B A L L? -Y E S -N O Should the informed minority(s) have a factional kill or a dedicated killer? -Factional Kill -Dedicated Killer Should the informed minority(s) have a conversion ability or not? -Yes -No What do you want the Informed Minority(s) to be called? 1st Choice: ___________ 2nd Choice: ____________ How many post restrictions do you want this game to have? ____________ Please give me a special mechanic you'd like to see in the game. ____________ How long should the days be? ____________ Should trials be in the game? -Yes -No Should journals be in the game? -Yes -No Should there be a King in the game? -Yes-No If there is a King, do you want them to have standard abilties or modified? -Standard -Modified
The answers to this questionairre will determine the setup of the game.

Sample Rolecard


You are an Exampler, a Blue Dragon OP Example.

You are a very nice rolecard formatting guide that will show everyone the rough shape of rolecards and what you can expect to see on them!

  • Example Rolecard: You appear in the OP as an example rolecard, and will show everyone what rolecards look like!
  • Exampler’s Votes You may vote during the day.

You win if you eliminate all threats to the Blue Dragon.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want. These signups will end either when nobody has joined for 48 hours or the majority of already signed up players say /End Signups


  1. Orangeandblack5
  2. Hippolytus
  3. JammySplodge - King
  4. Simon - DEAD
  5. PokemonKidRyan
  6. NuclearBurrito
  7. Polikshadowbliss
  8. Methnor - DEAD
  9. Wolfy
  10. Eevee - DEAD
  11. Braxien
  12. Unknown
  13. Rogue
  14. Insanity
  15. NozBugz - DEAD
  16. Strangle - DEAD

Bold = Confirmed

0. Icibalus - Compulsive Memeclaimer, Neutral N0 Suicidal Moderator
10. Eeevee - The Flying Pumkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of It’s Ass ,Blue Dragon Neighbour Triggered Role
4. Simon - Wandering Spirit, Blue Dragon Restless Spirit
8. Methnor - Blue Dragon Modified Compulsive Fruit Vendor
16. Strangle - Crow Murderer, Magical Girl Non-Consecutive 1-shot Active Ninja Godfather Factional Killer

Day Two Begins/Night One Ends
Day Three Begins/ Night Two Ends
Day Four Begins/Night Three Edns.

1 Like

Alfa pushed this forward in the queue, btw. Check the queue.


Just so you know, picks will be sent once signups are done.


so, we only answer the questionnaire when signups are closed?


/part of me isn’t happy because I thought we agreed that DoL counts as SFoL but I guess I’ll join

Blame Alfa, she DM’d me asking for me to post it.





Can we choose the name of our class like before?

You can choose the name of a class. The person who receives the class (you or someone else) will be determined by the questionairre.

so we cant make it too under or over powered


I think you misunderstand. You send me the name of a class, and I make the actual abilites and stuff.


When you say bastard does that mean Scum or just not BD? In other words are survivor roles and roles with unique objectives (like merc) Bastard roles?

A bastard game is a game in which I’m allowed to lie, deceive you, and do whatever random and crazy nonsense I want. Choose it at your own risk.


I want the game to be bastard like the traditional Upicks and everything of the sort, just not with host influence