SFoL11 UltimatePick - Game Over! (:IciHeadBanging:)

That is a class?

So what type is that class?
Offensive? Killer? Support?

Kind of want to change my class request to ā€œA Role, Not a Classā€ just to see what Ici gives me.

Theyā€™re classes

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Also with a name like ā€œCompulsive Memeclaimer, Neutral N0 Suicidal Moderatorā€ itā€™s obviously Social

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Okay that isnā€™t what that rule means and you know it :laughing:

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What role names did you guys choose. Someones gonna be Hugh Hefner so have fun with that.

Hopefully we all get our own names.
As Iā€™d love to have mine

Me too, I am reluctant to reveal though.

I chose random cuz thatā€™s more fun.

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I wouldnā€™t reveal if I had selected myself cuz if Iā€™m a killer role then Iā€™d be screwed lol.

You realized that if the majority chose to give them to the person that made them, you still get your suggestion, and you just told us your classā€™s name

Wait I thought all the people who selected random would go random and everyone who chose same would get same.


Lmao Hip.
I wonder what weā€™re gonna know :stuck_out_tongue:

I chose to keep my name

Itā€™s so much more fun getting a random name. You guys are boring.

If I get a killer role imma so be pissed rofl

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shush you

Wait did some people actually not pick to randomize class names?


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