SFoL11 UltimatePick - Game Over! (:IciHeadBanging:)


/end signup

no wait for 16

I thought you sent us the questions

for how many post restrictions, do we give a number, or do we suggest some?

and what kind of multiball is F A B U L O U S M U L T I B A L L ?

Like 2 to 3 faction or more in one game.

E.g. Unseen, Cult, Brotherhood and Cabal in a game :3

I should have suggest an PKR Moderator faction…


Just in time phew

Signups up to date. Please remember to send me answers to speed along setup.

End Signups - 1 - Insanity
Keep them open - 15 - Everyone else.
9 votes are required to end signups

/end signups

End Signups - 2 - Insanity, PolikshadowBliss
Keep them open - 14 - Everyone else.
9 votes are required to end signups

/end signups

End Signups - 3 - Insanity, PolikshadowBliss
Keep them open - 13 - Everyone else.
9 votes are required to end signups

Please answer my question about post restrictions :frowning:

You pick the number of post restrictions, and I make them to match the classes

Number total or number per class?

Because 1 per class seems good.

Number total.