SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Mole - bold Paladin claim D1
Noz - 1st PD claim
Cheesy - Psychic claim
Nuclear - Maid
Marl - King (whom I read as non-BD)
Ici - Alch claim
PKR - Knight claim, claimed PD first
Frost - 2nd PD claim
Ashe - Prince
Polik - Priest claim
Wolfy - Princess claim
Hippo - refuses to claim
Dama - claimed Carrier
Agent - CW claim
Jack - refuses to claim

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That should be it

Wait PKR switched his claim. Town read no longer.

Afaik, he’s the only one who switched his claim so far. Except for Dama, who first claimed PD (I think) and then Carrier.

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In anycase. Noz on PKR anyways and Frost on me tonight.

Yeah, I’ll ask again - how much time do we have left?

We didn’t even vote Agent up yet, and I think we should hurry up.

My reads:
Ashe - Prince. I don’t need to even give a read on Ashe, Ashe is obviously and will always be Blue Dragon.
Damafaud - Carrier. I trust Dama’s carrier claim, because we don’t have to worry about fool/maso. He had no reason to do it, but did it anyway even if it leads to his death 100% of the time.
PolikShadowbliss - Priest. The third most scummy of the claims that we forced. I didn’t like how he claimed, he took his time and introduced it in a very scummy fashion. I can quote the messages I thought were scum if you want after this large post.
Vulgard - Hunter. I’m reading Vulgard as town right now. He can prove himself with wolf and a retribution arrow in the wrong place would be a disaster for the bd.
Icibalus - Alchemist. Ici has been incredibly helpful. He’s been trying to scum hunt all game EVEN THOUGH HE CLAIMED NEUTRAL when he had no reason to. I don’t think Ici is cult or the NK.
AgentBoiiiiiiii - Court Wizard - I’m going to type a full fucking paragraph on agent and why I think we should up execute him today in just a moment.
Hippolytus - Null Read. You obviously aren’t cult, and you are unlikely to be the druid. Your refusal to claim is stubborn and will likely be a point of contention in the future. As long as you tell us who you visited last night, I’m fine with you for now.
PokemonKidRyan - PD > Knight. The SECOND most scum of the later claims we forced. His claim swap was obviously scummy. I’m reading PKR and Agent as CULT. I do NOT know who the druid currently is but I don’t think it’s wolfy.
Wolfy - Princess. He was jailed n1 so he can’t be a convert. The way he claimed was super sus but I think it was just Wolfy being cheeky and messing around. We can prove him with burrito. If something happens to burrito tonight Wolfy is going to look INCREDIBLY Scum tommorow.
3DT_CheesyKnives - Psychic. I think Cheesy is still a likely convert target. He’s been goofing around and contributing literally none, but Cheesy can also mechanically prove himself by linking someone.
Frostwolf103 - Plague Doctor. I think Frostwolf is more likely to be the druid than Noz, if we’re forced to hang one of them. Frostwolf’s play in general is reminding me a lot of his playstyle last game when he was on his last legs. It’s like he’s trying to squeeze in messages that make it look like he’s contributing when he really isn’t.
NuclearBurrito - Maid. Burrito is alongside Ashe in my top town! If I could guard three people at night, It would be Mole Burrito and Ashe!
SuperJack - Null read. I’m still sus at their refusal to claim. Them going aggro on me today makes me hesitant to town read them, and I KINDVE got a soft plague doctor read on them taunting Dama to infect them.
NozBugz - PD. I think Noz is legitimately a plague doctor. Noz’s reads are actually terrible so they could have been converted n1.
Marluxion - King Shitlord. I’m reading myself scummily even though I know my alignment. I pushed on and outed Polik and many others, and if I end up losing us the game I won’t be playing FoL for a while because I’ll be ashamed at my play. I’ll take 100% of your salt and blame for the loss if this ends in a cult/nk win. I don’t blame anyone who is sus reading me and wants me hung d4.
Moleland - Paladin. It’s a mole in a hole, he’s our adorable uncontested paladin. Keep him alive.

We have over 24 hours left. We have plenty of time. The more of our discussion time we use, the better it is for BD. It allows for more scumhunting and reading.

Ok. How about this. Marl, you guard Ashe. PKR guards me and if any of the 2 unclaimed People are Protectives then be on Noz.

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So far we didn’t really use it very well, all things considered…

The reason I think PKR should guard me is because of the reason of my death putting sus on Wolfie. If PKR is cult then in order to make that play he will die too. If PKR is not cult then he can ensure it doesn’t matter what cult try to pull with me. I already know he isn’t Neutral

Since he claimed, he is not royal. I was thinking he was a Hunter baiting at first but obviously that’s not happening.

Cool, I’m going to get a whole paragraph dedicated to myself by my topscum read.

This is gonna be fun!

And who guards Mole?

No one is CCing my second non-unique claim and I didn’t counterclaim on Noz except on PKR.

I don’t want to hang either of you or Noz, I think there is a reasonable chance both you and noz are PD. Your posts are giving me hard Deja Vu of D4 from last game though.

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Understandable, if I was Druid then I have no reason to claim Plague Doctor and also mark PKR for petty revenge when I was Demon, especially the massclaim spread like wildfire.

HOW am I your top scumread? I CANNOT Be the Cult Leader nor can I be the Neutral Killer nor can I be the convert nor the apostle!

Your reads are one of the biggest reasons I’m reading you as scum. EVERY SINGLE READ THAT YOU HAVE is a low effort read stolen from the lists of someone who has posted their reads previously.

How is PKR not your top scum after his claim shift? Is PKR your cult leader? Are you wanting to avoid throwing shade at your teammate?

I Don’t believe ANY thought was taken into your ‘night action’. I think you just wanted to fake claim barriering a confirmed BD without realizing the consequences of your actions.

I think we stick with agent, and if they are CW, we have @PolikShadowbliss revive them.

@3DT_CheesyKnives could you send a psychic message please?

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“how am I your top scumread?!”

Maybe because you stopped following your own logic, tactic and still want to lynch me? if PKR is your top scum then why don’t we lynch him eh?

Ofc PKR is in the top of scumreads, and Hippo is slowly getting there aswell.

I’ll update my reads consider I did make a deal I’d update mine better when you posted yours.

@Moleland so you want to mislynch and then waste a revive on me? god no pls. revive a class and player more useful than me.

I agree.

I want PKR and Wolfy to prove themselves or be dead tomorrow.

Wolfy you investing me is beneficial seeing as I’m one of the few ppl who haven’t claimed so you can’t just fake a result, and it will prove me as not druid.

I also want PKR to attack me tonight. Honestly I’m certain PKR is scum though so I strongly suggest hunter bleeds him. His class claim switch and then his reasons for switching is classic PKR scum.