SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

@Hippolytus At least give me a reason as to why you’re dodging my question.

Well, it can’t have all 3 of these

Burritto can still check me

freakin eck

Because if I say who I visited it essentially reveals the type of class I am. If I was worried there is a chance I infected someone important or someone who is going to be visited by an important class, I would say. I’m not an idiot.

Also, link with me tonight please

sure , but i know your class?

I think I get what class you’re softing and I won’t push further on you for now. At least I’m trying to get info instead of sit back and afk like an evil king.

actually im kinda usless since everyone massclaimed


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But it confirms you haven’t taken the ALT link mind ability

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We know everyone except SuperJack and Hippo’s class claim. As BD you’re not too useful anymore. Might as well link Mole to prove you aren’t the convert. (Pro tip- If he doesn’t get linked, you’re likely to die. Because the paladin can directly kill cult in this.)

ok im really dumb and dont know how cult in FoL works

so do they have a choice on conversion or what

My reads, Updated edition, extra extra!:

Scum, top is biggest scum etc:

  • Marl: Just too scummy having stopped following his own tactic and logic and pushing me for a misplay even tho he suggested himself barriering PD would make no sense as if he were hypothetically cult he would not go for PD first.
  • PKR: Claims impossible and then shifts to knight, NANI. I’d lynch him straight away, I doubt he’d actually flip knight as his entire play form the beginning would look so stupid. Oh wait making this read will just sya i ripped off again. /s
  • Ici: Is pushing hard and leading while he claims alch and thus shouldn’t be doing any of that as it makes no sense and we have no reason to lynch Ici. All his wincon is survive, so why not just do that?
  • Burito: If somebody was converted this is it. Soft supported Icis lead which made me susp of both of them but at this point I doubt it but it’s my sole convert read I have had so.
  • Agentboin: Yes okay I deserve this spot.
  • SuperJack: when online is pushing around hard and more but I get a 4th neut vibe form him imo. Likely socrned plays.
  • Hippo: Contributes, but his refusal to claim and more makes me suspect he could be the 4th neut.
  • Dama: Well he openly claimed carrier and confirmed by psychic so :man_shrugging:
  • Noz: Doesn’t need explaining imo. Noz has however been quiet recently. That has piqued my interest.


  • Polik: Still has barely talked. Hope he talks a bit more in the coming hours when he is online.
  • Wolfy: just idk feeling about Wolfy tbh.
  • Frost: Ok I don’ thave anything on him right now either, I’ll update this and Wolfys read asap.

Town normies:

  • Ashe: 'nuff said.
  • Mole: more 'nuff said.
  • cheesy: Well he is confirmed psychic I assume, more proving will happen later I guess.
  • Vulgard: Made some mistakes but if properly plays his cards he can get himself proven (see suggesitons) and move up in the townread circle.

Extra extra! As promised! Suggestions for night actions by Filthy scum, no one other than Boin!
Hunter: Wolf Ici so that Ici can be proven alch and hunter proven hunter. If Ici says he wasn’t wolfed he will be first to vote up Vulgard and if Ici lies he will die to hunter and it will be 1v1 loss for BD/cult - NK. Lying as alch is against his wincon so Ici won’t lie if he is alch thus easily proving himself and hunter.

Beyond that I got no night suggestions.

Bonus! Lynch targets!

  • PKR: Clearly he is being regarded as high scumread so why not get rid of him? if he flips BD then as I said under my read of PKR that would be sooo stupid.
  • Dama: why waste a Prince exe when we can lynch Dama if we got no better lynch targets to prevent mislynch and nolynch.
  • Me!: Getting lynched for a misplay I explained under Marls read. Oh well.

Now can I maybe get full read lists of other people? ALso dinner time!

??? (filler)

Only if cult is found first, or should I say it’s better approach than go eyeballing.

Enjoy your field day with my reads and extra.

What are the differences of FoL Cult to ToL Cult?



They have extra abilities they can ‘buy’ when converted, based on their original class

These cult points doesn’t exist in ToL.