SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Makes sense, agent was trying to stop pkr being killed

I’m spacificaly saying that he is probably NK. If he isn’t then he is cult frammed by NK which would clear hippo for realz.

I didn’t think I had to spell it out to you. I’ll know for next time :blush:.

He’s not cult

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What did agent claim I legit forgot.


I haven’t had the time to read and reread every post. Predictably this leads to some problems like what happened with Ici earlier.

I know I was just sassing you.

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more like scum amirite exsdee


Simple enough. Let’s lynch him after everyone has had time to claim what happened to him. We can have Prince deal with Moles find. We could also do the other way around.

im going to guess he hasnt ice warded yet :^)

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oh look my replies work again

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I checked agent lel

N1? Or did you not actually find cult?

oh damn

Last night

Got it. Who was your N1 check again?

new theory

nuclearburrito is cult

and is liking my posts becuase they are accusing a non-cult exsdee

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And he was NS?