SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

NO I AM ACTUALLY FINE WITH YOU SHOOTING ME. Stop reading into it. This is an easy blue dragon win regardless of what i do as long as Mole and Ashe are protected.

If we get Frostwolf to promise to heal you, would you swear to heal Ashe tonight?

Sorry, I don’t negitioate with cultistts.

Fine, just heal Ashe tommorow night.

Or Noz can heal Ashe. Noz should have no problems healing Ashe since she is confirmed and uncontested BD. If Noz refuses to heal; It outs him as a :duck: and Frost can heal her tommorow.

Depends what Hippolytus and SuperJack claims.

They aren’t claiming today and we should stop demanding they do.

Assuming Hippo and Super don’t have anything important to contribute today; You’re not opposed to this plan of healing Ici so we can have a free healer on Ashe?

Yes, I’m fine with this specifically because Ashe is jailing SJ and Hippo is confirmed not-cult.

While this may be true, the vines on AgentBoin restrict us from giving proper view on Hippolytus.

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What is the point of getting claims from either of them?
You’re catching the stupid ToL meta of only trusting someone once claimed.

Both of them are lock town.

SuperJack is in no way lock town. Hippo is.

The issue is not they are lock town/BD, what they claim what doesn’t get counterclaimed.

Literally all of his posts have no scum motivation and his refusal to claim when people are screaming at him to do it, while for my money scum would be claiming like a bluebird to get presure of them.

How is that not lock town?

Hippo and SJ are what we call in the trade lock town.
We can trust them to do nothing funny.

Locking them into a claim if they turn out to be converted/scum is important, since most fake claims can be disproven. Hippo is fine FOR NOW (If he’s BD and can be converted, we can’t trust him 100% in the future.)

But SuperJack hasn’t posted enough to be deemed Lock town. The only thing they’ve done was call out Noz for being Noz and saying I’m scum. Nothing more. I think you’re firmly in the pocket of scum Ici. (Not like It matters to you, you can win with anyone.)

Unless you’re secretly a mercenary like eevee in SFOL12 and SuperJack is your target! /joke

nO SiLLy JaMMMy gaVE mE fOOl FOr A jOeK


AgentBoi is one vote away from trial. Should I finger?

Figured I should ask this time since me fingering cheesy made everyone lose their minds yesterday

Pretty much, just wait this time around.

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