SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

What’s your read on me so far?


Umm Marl.
I’ve been scum in like 4 or 5 recent games

But what are the odds riiiiiiiight?

People, just because there’s no lynch dosen’t mean we can’t be actively scumreading and have to meme all the time.

This setup is far more scumsided than usual, so we’re going to have to pull out our A-game for a town win this time.

This is scum sided Ici?
How is that exactly?
The Neutral is a problem however we have 3 people who can spread the Plague N1.
What about if one of them is evil?
That is possible and would get rid of their faction quickly.

Quicker people die, quicker we can make an approximate class list, quicker BD win

It’s scumsided because there’s a poisoner mechanic that happens automtically.
And don’t act like that makes it BD sided, the chances are in favor of it being LyLo far earlier than usual.

In a game of conversions, people being killed is more beneficial.
Sure, things can go terribly for us, but it’s just as likely to go bad for scum.
One of them could easily get infected N1/2’

No it’s not
BD have majority at the start, and if scum have their brains about them they will avoid catching it at all costs, while we get infected.
This implies they know who’s infected of course.

Every BD that dies of the plague brings Unseen/Cult 1 step closer to victory, just because this is FoL it dosen’t change the inherrent mechanics of FM.

It doesn’t change the inherent mechanics?
What’re you on about?
This game has conversions.
BD has lost quite a bit before when a good conversion has happened early game.
Therefore I’d like to say that it’s more beneficial in FoL than FM when people are killed


Reading is fun guys… You really should try it.

In other words, if Noz is Plague Doctor, he won’t get the thing, so he wouldn’t be able to confirm it.



I know who I want to protect; Should I start by guarding them or debt’ing them?
Also @Jazz Does Debt protect from the plague or nah?

I would assume that debt doesn’t protect them from the plague…

Also Marl, where on the class cards does it say that king even has debt?

(Still remember that the time I get 3 prince in a row in FoL)

It’s under good king. What I am y’know

Never mind Marl, found it just before you were telling me

As I said, probably not as it’s a bit like the CW’s barrier I assume with their negative effects (e.g. conversion and occupation, but not deaths)

insert laughter track

See you day 4 then :wink:

queues clown music

I’ll prove it, just find me a cult and i’ll force exe them! :muscle: