SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

He’s not the cult leader, Wolfy!

occam razor

Didn’t the Cult Leader convert night 1?

Therfore, Marluxion died from the plague!


How certain are you there was a night 2 convert?

They is no suggesotion that there was a failed attempt to conevrt, especially the fact I was jailed night 1

It’s entirely possible for there to be three cult members. But they would have to be noz, yourself and cheesy/frost

Mole, it’s either Val or Jack that has to be CL


And with the fact that Super was jailed, suspician would have to fall onto them surely?

I am postulating that in fact his night one convert failed. I am saying this because wolfy is acting like he is cult and therfore must have been converted due to Nuclear and Ashe’s evidence.

Oh my fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

I was jailed night one though, and what if the cult actually converted successfully night 1

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Stop being idiot :frowning:

My point is that he’s not helping himself with that argument

There is absoloutely no proof of a N1 convert especially due to the way people are acting.

Anyway, I’m going to play Stellaris now byeeeeeeeeeeee

PKR mention he visited you, so likely he failed.

Noz is likely the convert. But the question is this. When could have he been converted?

Well, he likely was bsing that point as well consdiering he was scum

Noz was not converted!


That plan of yours suck by the way.

Everyone take sides in the scrum debate!

can i be on the noz is starting cult

Nights 1 and 3, I used bear.

Night 2, I wolfed Icibalus, which was pointless, and I wasn’t converted because CL failed a conversion N1 on Wolfy.

However, Noz is Acolyte turned CL and Moleland’s results confirm that.