SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Can we have a new rule of only revealing info if you think it will actually be of direct benefit to BD at this moment. I don’t get why everyone always softs random shit at random times when all it does is give scum intel.

I slept peacefully. @Jazz if you are healed from the plague are you informed? Can you be infected by the plague the same night you are healed?


There’s not much point checking noz tbh. No real plague doctor is ever gonna save him so once he gets the plague he is completely dead.

I can’t tell if nuclear just made some weird meta-play to try confirm his Maid claim or if he is just a massive numb-nuts.

Is this the common phrase? Or codewords?

and another?

(It means that nothing happened to you)

I guessed what it means, but they all said it in the same way.


Its a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection?

Are you 100% sure thats normal?

we always say that way

Yeah, I don’t know what Nuclear’s play was. It felt out of nowhere.

The only thing that comes to my mind is Maid, could also be Observer but that’s less likely. But then again, if he’s Maid, that would still be a weird play. In my opinion.

Ok now I know. Thank you for answering my question.

Am I seriously the only one voting?

Why are you voting Noz?

I don’t see a good reason to push him for now.

Noz seems bd to me

N3 will be his test really. I sincerely hope there’s a CW barrier on him or something.

Yes, you’re the only one voting for multiple reasons. A) Unless there is a counterclaim plague doctor, since we are guaranteed at least one, we can’t hang him.
B) Noz is scummy as town/bd so you scum reading him is a good thing.
C) EVEN IF Noz is converted to an evil :duck: Quack, he doesn’t know his teammates and therefore will likely go on to heal the plague as to avoid casting suspicion on himself.

If Noz is really scummy we can hang him later, but the NK and Cult take first priority. Finding the carrier is also important.

Like, Noz does scummy shit like this all the time apparently. Last game, as the strongest bd power role, he lied about his claim to the prince for no reason, kek.

I just think I’ll cry instead then.
You just told me he lies about his roles in previous games, yet seem happy to accept roleclaims willy nilly.
You are telling me that if I read him as scum, he should be town (Shit reasoning tbh)

And you are not getting why I’m voting him.

He claimed, without reason, without pressure, a role in which no town wants to target, no town wants to visit, no town will protect because everyone needs a plague doctor to live. A role that now his only fear of being lynched has to meet MULTIPLE criteria
1)Be detected as scum (Not read because apparently that means noting)
2)Have the real Plague Doctor reveal (Or additional since multi can exist)
3)Be a higher priority lynch than other potential more dangerous scum

I’m also complaining about there being no other existing votes.
You feel fine and dandy that no one is voting? How much scum hunting is going on?

In other words, why cant Noz be Cult Leader faking plague doctor for the insane amount of protection the claim offers?