SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Lol jack, I totally misread that, my bad. Im off to school rigjt now and during lunch break no time, so back in over 8h.

Also Jack I understand why you believe Noz is lying but we got no other choice.but to trust him for now. Why the real PD wouldnt reveal if noz is a fake is beyond me.

It’s called sleep
That’s why I’ve been ‘Oddly quiet’

Also, I will point this out too.
I never said that I had royal blood.
So wasting a Maid check on me wouldn’t be advisable

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I literally claimed Alch yesterday lol

@SuperJack Let me explain my reasoning.
I realised that the risk of me catching the plague is too high if I remain unclaimed. So I claimed.

Any number of people with the plauge might visit me and investigate me, and then I’d lose.
I’m willing to let Nuclear slide because checking me was a mistake, but I warn you: I will not be this lenient again.

And let us remember, I have a backup plan if I find I have the plague. You have been warned.

PD is non-unique.

Also all of you trying to stop a single player’s single vote for pressure on one person is dumb and bad and you should be ashamed of yourselves

If it was anyone but Marl pushing one of them, I’d believe this is the scumteam snap reactioning on a scumbuddy being pushed.


[NozBugz (this is typical Noz, I’m only keeping him this low for risk of conversion] [SuperJack] [Ashe] [Mole] [Nuclear]
[Icibalus (Im neutral lol] [Everyone else] - Null Line
[Marl] [Vulgard] [AgentBoin]


I stand by my reasoning on why a trial on Noz isn’t a good idea for anyone.

Also, as for your reads, Why is Mole on the same level as Noz?
Mind explaining your read on agent?

Agent is gut
Mole is also gut

It’s one pressure vote. That is not the same as an intention for a trial.

Secondly, what you were demanding was that he unvote.
That’s basically saying you’re against scumhunting.

In short:

/vote Marl

They were trying to encourage other people to vote for Noz as well. I wanted to prevent that.

First of all, I’m the king. Pretty sure king can’t be voted up until d4.
Secondly, I’m not against scumhunting, I’m against potentially hanging our ONLY plague doctor claim.

  1. It was a pressure wagon. For goodness sake, he was asking for pressure on Noz
  2. Dosen’t mean that if they got converted N1 they share our wincon.
  3. King dosen’t have Loyalty in FoL kiddo, thank goodness

Wot. Why was everyone saying that they did in SFOL12?

And converting Noz n1 is never a good play. Noz can’t chat with the scum and doesn’t know who his teammates are. He also doesn’t count towards the convert limit, meaning in an ideal world you’d convert Noz AFTER your more useful convert.


It make sense to take away BD’s literal only defense against the plague short of not using their actions.
And dosen’t even tell them that’s happened.

Because apparently nobody read the classcards

So you’re defending the act of wanting Noz hung because “The evils could be incompetent!” ?

Also, to confirm on your reads list, Higher = More town and lower = more scum?

Also, ignore this. I thought when you said “Because nobody reads the class cards”, it was referring to what i was saying about the Quack being unable to see/speak with their allies. I’d delete the post but that’d be illegal :wink:


You made a bit of a mistake there. Carrier is not exactly a threat. They are neutral offensive, not a killer. That means that we can let them live if we wanted to, and may just direct to infect Cult if possible if we know who it is.

They are not a class that needs to be eliminated in order to win.