SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Do you think I’d be sitting here saying nothing if I got a cult result?

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So, assuming Ici is Alch, PKR isn’t NK

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Alchemist can win with any neutrals, you sure?

I’m just assuming burrito got a incompatible result. If he got compatible, I don’t think he’d have reacted as he did.

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I hate it how everyone is always needlessly cryptic for no reason. If you claim a class just say your fucking results clearly unless you out prince or something.

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I assume they were incompatible so we know PKR isn’t neutral.

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Then Ici and PKR would be compatible. It would exclude PKR of being Carrier or NK, assuming we trust Ici

And then whinge at you in dead chat for not reading your soft, when they are scummy and when demanded to hard claim when at Lylo, they don’t

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Ideally ici is attacked by a hunter. That way if he survives we can confirm the existence of a hunter, ici being alch, and PKR being non-neutral.

Is alch immune to bleeding in FOL?


If he is the carrier then he’s actively siding on his own since taking out the most of protective classes if they all did visit him.

Yes I know, but the result should be compatible - so how do we know if Nuclear Burrito isn’t Scorned and PKR is his target.


Maximum neutrals allowed.

Dunno but either way hunter should hit that.

It’s on January Changes I believe.

So NuclearBurrito is telling the truth:

PKR and Icibalus is compatible, therefor PKR is Neutral and it’s narrowed down by lack of Fool and Masochist this game.

NuclearBurrito not telling the truth:

PKR is BD and therefor not compatible with Icibalus, since he’s Neutral and not Mercenary…


We know I’m not scorned with PKR as my target because I immediately assumed Ici was the scum from my check.

I have a town read on PKR right now compared to my Neutral (now literally) read on Ici who I think is telling the truth.

My check was incompatible

Thanks for the guess I’d make?

Why would you assume it was incompatible? That’s the opposite of what everyone else thought and does not explain my reaction.

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It’s not like I ignored Marl’s reasoning

Oh for fuck sake, don’t confuse me.

Wait, what? If they’re compatible that confirms PKR as neutral, no?