SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Basically. If PKR is Neutral then he’s fool or NK

What about Carrier lol?

They are not.

My result was incompatible.

I was asking frost why he assumed they were compatible but accidentally said incompatible.

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Wait… You compared PKR to Ici and they were compatible?

Carrier is compatible with Alch.

OH. I see. I thought that was directed at me. My assumptions were correct then, cool beans.


My point exactly




Same I was confused too FML

Utter BS. Where does that say “am I the only voting NOZ”

It was a comment that no one else had made a vote.

Which I has later made clear to you when you asked.

Ok. Assuming that Ici is telling the truth (not a given) PKR is either BD, Cult or NK. I have a town read on him so he’s probably also important so that means neither of them are scum.

Incompatible and NK doesn’t mix well, Nuclear.

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Oh right. Alch wins with NK too lol.

If It weren’t for the fact that you can’t be scorned if Ici is alch, I would think you were scorned.

Regardless, I can’t force pardon Noz anyway because I used finger on cheesy so this topic is irrelevant. If you want to keep pushing on Noz be my guest.

It’s 4 votes on cheesy including my finger now, yeah?

THB it would be great if the PD could cure me. My multi visit means that I am the most likely to be infected and also that I would spread it extremely quickly.

Yeah I think so.

Oh god, you’re right. If you started with the plague everyone is doomed.

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With two PD’s, that will be avoided from death.

So you haven’t used day ability yet right?