SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Now I’m quite observant.
But I didn’t notice that Ici.

I believe it is possible that he’s a VI King.
He’s scummy, yes.
But that doesn’t make someone scum.
@Ami and @Wolfy are almost always scummy. But theyre not always scum.

Four exe I think?

@PokemonKidRyan before you get anymore salty, if nuclear had compared you to anyone else, you would be dying anyway.

The activity is also so unnecessary, look at it!

700’s to 3000’s

And that for Day 2 and still counting.

You’re calling me Salty?
So you’re obviously not listening.
Or at least agreeing at all with my PoV.
Whatever then Mole

Lel. The fact is, your claim didn’t make sense, despite the lucky break you got with nuclear goofing up. You should have been bold and cced polik or some such.

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He did admit he was the Quake.

PKR is Strogg! :open_mouth:

well actually being told what i should do gives the cult perfect info so lets not do that.


Hunter bleed someone. If you don’t know who go for the alchemist. CW claim is probably decent too but we may end up hanging them anyway.

If PKR flips quack I’d go for Noz if I were you, but it’s entirely your choice, I don’t like bossing people around. It’s important you choose someone though, or I’m afraid you may be somewhat suspicious.

Of course I’ll wolf, and it will be Ici 90% to end this whole Hunter/Alch debate.

I don’t think he’ll lie about me not wolfing him, even though I was really aggro on him today.


He just said he would CS anyways and while that would not be a huge deal it means that he isn’t guarding and thus cult has no reason not to kill me.

I started off wanting ici dead but he’s helped a lot so I don’t really wanna kill him. Testing his alch blood is a good idea yeah I agree.

Plus if he betrays us as alch he will never ever be trusted again.

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Yeah nuclear your probs dead af. We aren’t wasting any protectives on you with prince and paladin alive but your a perfect target to kill as your a shitty convert but powerful BD.

I wish I could give you a bear since they are virtually useless for me now

Also. If Noz is curing me then that means it is safe for him to heal me and not get sick.

@Icibalus you down for that? Me being alive means we find scum faster and thus end the game faster.

Sounds good.

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I would love to have a FoL game where I am still alive after N2

I don’t count Upick

CS him he scum Kappa (jk you are pretty much confirmed maiderino)