SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

(He isn’t actually confirmed at all he just seems mostly BD)

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Why does all the discussion end when I get home from work there was loads of beef earlier but I was too late :sob::sob::sob:

Seven exes.

There’s nothing more to discuss really, this guy gets executed, then we formulate a strategy.

Honestly I’m amazed I’m not on everyones scumlists right now let alone having people talk like I am confirmed.

You’re still on mine nuclear <3

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Over 1000 posts -_- quick summery please?

Ashe - Alive - Prince
Damafaud - Alive - Carrier
PolikShadowbliss - Alive - Priest BD
Vulgard - Alive - Hunter BD
Icibalus - Alive - Alchemist
AgentBoiiiiiiii - Alive - Court Wizard BD
Hippolytus - Alive - BD
PokemonKidRyan - Alive - PD > Knight BD
Wolfy - Alive - Princess BD
3DT_CheesyKnives - Alive - Psychic BD
Frostwolf103 - Alive - Plague Doctor BD
NuclearBurrito - Alive - Maid BD
SuperJack - Alive - BD
NozBugz - Alive - PD BD
Marluxion - King - Alive
Moleland - Alive - Paladin

Cult Leader, Acolyte, Druid

Basically when PKR claimed PD, I counterclaimed immediately. Then he changed to Knight in hopes they won’t get notice this suspicious claim change.

Hippolytus, Agent and then PKR gone on different wagons.

Ok, how long in day left?

I think 48 hours at most remaining.

The wagon on me was literally the dumbest thing ever btw. At some point I’m gonna look back at the ones who insta-voted me and laugh as they all flip scum.


Maybe so.

This trial still need two exes.

I am one of them but you know, why would I rat out PKR in that case?

That’s 9. Still jailing Dama so Frost on me :wink:

Votes for Execute:

  • Icibalus
  • Vulgard
  • Nozbugz
  • Moleland
  • Frostwolf
  • PolikShadowbliss
  • AgentBoin
  • NuclearBurrito
  • Ashe

I swear to god you’re tilting me off the face of the earth
I’m a good king.
Bomb me tonight if you don’t believe me, I won’t be guarding myself.

Actually, disregard what I just said; Heal Ashe, I’m on mole. You can PL me on day 4 if you still don’t believe me.

We’ve denied the druid his ability charge by hanging PKR, so thanks for that druid. Agent, if you’re really a CW you should be barriering Polik tonight. All other BD; Keep your actions hidden. Especially Vulgard for WIFOM purposes.

A TL;DR of Day 2
Presented by Marluxion

Day 2 begins with SuperJack throwing shade at Noz’s really fucking shady claim.
Marl defends Noz because he is a dumbboi and is eternally scum because of it.
Marl and SuperJack bicker for a while.
Burrito comes out with his maid claim, testing PKR and Icibalus as INCOMPATIBLE!
Eventually, Marl pushes a claim out of Cheesyknives. He’s a psychic who linked Dama.
The War between Icibalus and Wolfy begins, in which Vulgard is outed as a hunter and wolfy is outed as a princess who was jailed n1.
Neither side can gain enough traction to be voted up to trial.
A Wild Druid Appears! If we don’t hang PKR today, the druid gets a charge of their night killing ability! (Good thing we just hung pkr because he was scum)
SuperJack and Marl decide to push on Ashe for her sheepish behavior.
Ashe is outed as the prince!
Marl proceeds to force claims out of every single person besides Hippo and SuperJack because he is an ignorant imbicile.
When claiming PKR realized that he was caught in an impossible claim and changed it in the most scummy way possible.
A huge trial starts on AgentBoiii because his night action and reads were so objectively terrible that a bronze ToS player wouldn’t even make them.
Eventually, everyone realizes that PKR is a much more safe of a lynch so we lynch PKR, simultainously denying the druid their ability use and stopping the plague.

If I missed anything feel free to butt in

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Ici heal me. Marl guard Ashe. Mole use smite.

This way we don’t poison Ashe if me or Ici was starting infected and if that’s the case then I am already infected.

unless I see both Ici and Mole agree to this, i can’t change my plan. @Icibalus @Moleland thoughts on this?

I’m not smiting tonight