SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

I would say this is foreshadowing but there’s no Fools :stuck_out_tongue:

Special Forum of Lies, ladies and gentlemen.

You can goof around.

We literally can’t even execute you if we wanted to. So just do something provable tonight and you’ll be :ok_hand:

You’re doing a pretty good job of goofing around

Everyone has confirmed so normally I’d end the day but I’ll let it run for the full 24hrs

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I’m 70% goof :wink:


Maybe so, but there can be only one Plague Doctor.

Where did it say that?
I believe either:
a) That’s a slip
b) Someone needs to learn to read the OP
c) You’re purposefully trying to look like Fool for some weird reason

There is at LEAST one plague doctor. It was never declared unique.


They should be unique, Wolfy for instance need to read as well.

He keep saying that I and Noz got infected, that’s not true.

We can also have more than one carrier, and if that’s the case fuck everything because we’re all dead pretty much. Just a matter of who dies first and if the cult can convert the plague doctors. (Since not even NK is immune to death by plague)

the only rules on the matter in the OP.


Do I need to throw Mole at you?
Noz will not be converted.

…lol what?

PKR But what If I want to guard you? I will not let my protective urges be supressed!

What Noz is asking to be converted.

So what about me?

You’re probably unconvertable anyway based on my read of you.
So :man_shrugging:

I can be converted, that’s what I can confirm for now.

And unlike the majority, I contribute.