SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Somewhere out there an MM/CL is found rubbing their hands together and cackling.

Except it’s not worth it.

Life isn’t worth it?
A harsh outlook man. Even in these plagued times we have to stay strong! Don’t let the carriers get you down!


@Jazz Just out of curiosity, does a quack ever get promoted to Cult Leader?

Ah you are getting my softclaim then.

Logically would do

Can you imagine if the plague immunity carried over like royal blood? That’d be so sick

You’re soft claiming masochist?

No that’s what Wolfy is!
Oh wait, not his class, so I shouldn’t be revealing that

I believe they call that a hard masochist claim, not a soft one.

Geez let me sleep.

That’s what (s)he said
There’s no Maso in game, right?

Sir did you just take my already lewd joke and try to turn it into a lewd joke? Get this nonsense off of my beautiful christian server.

Forgive me if I quick read 200 odd posts. You all decided to post whilst I’m sleeping and when I’m at work.

Tbh just let everyone visits like normal.

We don’t know how many Plague Doc there right

@AgentBoin you never got back to me.

Why don’t you bite me? I require sleep and work.
You can go throw your inactivity accusation onto a pile of rotten apples.

PKR you really better turn out to be an important class this time. If you turn around and claim Princess or Wizard or some decent but not essential class imma be susp af of you.

Important = Plague Doctor, Prince, Priest, Psychic, Sheriff, Paladin.

The rest of the classes are obviously still useful and powerful but they do not need protection more than any other classes.

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PKR asks to be healed every game anyway

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He also claims to be an important class to get people to heal him and then turns out to be a knight or something random.

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