SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

Thing is it’s a 2/14 chance I hit someone infected. So I’ll use rng on who to cure out of my bd reads

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Yeah, it is a low chance you’ll actually save someone, but you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

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Besides, PKR get Carrier read since he asks for protectives, which is exactly the carrier would say, you can say PKR is Chaotic Neutral at best.

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Good choice of words, occupy two times and we get confirmation.

if they’re the only one left

Oh I see…

Or Carrier

Your attacking my personal image. Devaluing people’s views on me by calling me inactive. It’s a scum/dick move.

Especially when it’s an inconsiderate lie.

Not sure if I should scum read your overreaction or if you’re being serious. Regardless, I know who I won’t be guarding tonight :wink:

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hey guys i am BACC

what do i
oh its d1

Did the Discord link in your PM work cheesy?

what discord link

You tell me

wait was i meant to get one

:thinking: intensifies

Cheesy is at the top of my town circle now

i thought i was scummy?

im so confused rn