SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)


I did, I said I don’ thave a playstyle myself, and I don’ tknow the others as I’m new from SFoL12. Just be wary of my sick alch plays in the future.

I’m just gonna do my action either way. If I get infected I’ll def convince Noz to cure me :wink:

I think you are laying it on a bit thick.

realises this was a play

oh right

I’m serious. You try to mess with me and my image I will not allow it. Respect my game play availability

Thinks Cheesy knew all along and is obv playing the play to look not susp

Wut? But I’m reading PKR as town so far?

i get it now

you were asking me becuase the evils have a night chat in discord?

fromage you got me

I am mildly suspicious of Cheesy.

PKR is leaning scum to me, he needs to stop asking for TPs every damn game and he is pushing for it more than ever now


Cheesy is dumb but not Noz dumb I trust him

There was no disrespect intended in my message, even if you interpreted it as such. Whether you were busy or not, i listed everyone who hadn’t given their thoughts on the subject as to hear what they think. I wasn’t demanding an immediate response. :wink:

PKR, the more killing abilities not controlled by town there are the more scumsided the setup is.
Conversion changes nothing. Remember famine? BD lost because of the mass death.

Can everyone give me some thoughts on PKR? I’m looking through their ISO in a few moments.

You guys use discord? Lol we still use quicktopic dot com.

Don’t like him. Probably biased. I wish he get infected. Also he’s asking for protectives. Again.

Definitely more town than he was in SFOL12 but I’m not familiar enough with him to properly read him yet.

I’m actually soft reading him as prince but it could just be me overthinking some of his messages earlier.

Note on PKR: Is it just me or does the comment about him ‘acting scummy and then leading town late game’ feel a lot like he’s trying to nullify scumreads on him due to meta?


I have a slight town-read on him this game (but I’m still glad you guys are sus of him so he will think twice about his agressive taking-control strat in the future).