SFoL13: Pestilence (BD & Alchemist Win!)

If you haven’t, don’t waste it yet. Like PKR said it doesn’t do much good without hard claims.

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After, a plague doctor should swing by me as well at some point

At any case, PKR can’t be carrier after all.

But I could now be infected due to Nuclear.
If I am not the Plague Doctor

Tbh I don’t like that I got maid again. I’m not good with her especially with my ToL conditioning me to use day Ability’s asap.

I Love being maid.
I already said it’s my fave FoL class.

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Dammit, Nuclear. It’s always the maid giving everyone diseases. And TWO people at once?! :dizzy_face: :weary:


I’m assuming you can’t catch AND spread the plague in the same night, right? As in, Nuclear visited Ici, got the plague from Ici and spread it to PKR the same night?

So… what happened to our NK kill last night?

I think you might contract the plague before it spreads…

@Jazz heya, can you clarify the order to everyone here?
Not sure if you’ve already said it, but it’s best to ask.

That’s what I was wondering too. Ici didn’t say anything about being attacked, and nobody claimed attacked+healed. I thought YOU might have gotten attacked and didn’t speak up about it. Maybe the NK is scared of the Noz Pox?

I mean… If Nuclear started with it…
Then it spreads…
Me and Ici would both have it
(RIP Alche)

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I wonder what Ici’s plan is for if he catches the plague. Bomb Noz? Bomb me? It certainly has to involve a bomb or he wouldn’t have been so ominous about it, right?

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It’s probably revealing he’s Possessor and leaving. (Joke: Possessor doesn’t work like that in FoL)

Hopefully he gets plagued. If bearer wants to be BD they should plague marl (we’ll let bearer be new king) or Icibalus.

:expressionless: Don’t give me those diseases! I’ll pass them to mole without knowing I have them.

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Sorta same here, but not revealing more~

Wait. This would imply that even after changing classes to Neut King, the carrier would STILL have the plague. MEANING THEY ARE JUST FORFEITING THEIR IMMUNITY.
@Jazz Am I correct on this? Or does the plague not carry over when you change class.

Great attempt of trying to change topic from what I replied to. Your reply didn’t at all reflect what I said.

You twisted my words, I corrected you, yet later on you twist the same words once more ignoring what it ment.