SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

I would highly suggest you don’t Celeste.


That’s not true. That restriction is only in ToL. KyoDaz coldsteeled n2 in SFOL12.
Also, it’s going to be night 3

Ok Shurian I wont debauch u in two nights from now

Wait its day 3 now?! HOW AM I NOT DEAD

Incoming Occupy on me D:

You are already dead



Well also because we lynched Noz first

Oh yeahhh thats why my D3 timer hasnt gone off yet

Remind me how its Day 3 and we have no leads other than a probable Sage ingame

lead is either me,wolfy,hippo(maybe?) is sage

Marl says Hippo is no sage

Can’t be hippo, Hippo is the one who told us it was confirmed sage.
Also, we do have a lead. Parfait is near confirmed scum.

Yeah his scumslip I can agree with

Anyone with common sense would tell you Hippo isn’t the sage

Hey theres still the possiiblity its a CW that doesnt want to admit they wrong and a Drunk/Alcoholic

Oh wait this isnt ToL its a sage 100%

So as of right now:
I’m supposed to Concentrated Wine Marl
Shurian is going to die CSing me.
I wish there was a way where we wouldn’t lose BD, but okay.

Should I Concentrated Wine a princess to prove a visit, considering I’m being accused of being Assassin?

Wining a Princess seems counterproductive.

Nope. This doesn’t disprove you being mastermind
Disabling my day ability does though