SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

I see. Doesn’t mastermind not show visits to princess? I know that’s in ToL, but not FoL?

Mastermind does

Also as MM you can just inves a princess.

Alright. Going to wine you tonight then :slight_smile: (concentrated, dw)

Not going to lie, I forgot that invest was a thing. It’s so underused

I don’t think CSing tonight is a good idea right now.

Should CS some of the quiet littleuns…

If you yolo a quiet person and die, then you’re doing nothing.
If you Cs me, at least I’ll be proven

Good point.

Oh, Servant and Butler are the exact same. LUL

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I can’t help it if you get converted the next day tho. Keep a scout on Parfy.

Or just happy hour or something

I can’t help but think I am going to be occupied by a Servant tonight who will proceed to lynch both me and Parf.

That would suck so bad

But only I would be lynched,

Actually don’t CS Parfait
Parfait is likely the MM
CS Wolfy

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If he CSes the MM and dies to the Assassin we’ll get the false info of Parfait being BD
Wolfy is the sage like 90% of the time here

I disagree with the reasoning of me being MM. but Wolfy is a better option.

Once I concentrate on Marl, I’ll be confirmed not MM or Assassin

If you think I’m servant, then CS me afterwards

Moofy the Wolfy?

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