SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Or one could be lying. But 100% tellibg truth here. Looking forward to be confirmed by Sherrif

both of us here claim to tell the truth and that wonā€™t confirm anything (beside i ice ward marl last night)

Letā€™s say youā€™re the mastermind.
You can ā€˜confirm yourselfā€™ by converting the person you confirm with.
We know there is a sage in the game. They can also just happen to die! :man_shrugging: Because wall of fire can prevent people from saving them.

The next day ā€œWelp, gee wiz, donā€™t hang me please. All I did was make a scummy play, Iā€™ll flip BD if you hang me.ā€
It doesnā€™t really work like that. If we pardoned everyone who tried to guilt trip us like that, weā€™d never win a game. PKR does this literally every time heā€™s scum.

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You didnā€™t just fakeclaim Merc

You tried to CC a CW for no reason

You tried to pull the scummiest Princess out of the night plan thing

You claimed to use an ability you donā€™t have

You have consistently been appealing to us to not lynch you

And in general your tone and ideas donā€™t really seem BD at all


Then barrier the person marl gave you to confirm yourself. This will c9nfirm you

Nah just Barrier Damafaud.
I kinda owe it to him for converting him to a loss last game and heā€™s still BD 100% Rn.

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We canā€™t RB a Princess

Werenā€™t we barriering the Princesses?

And not confirm Boss?

Thatā€™s shady as Hell

Weā€™re not doing the wisp plan anymore, itā€™s bad

Itā€™s a gigantic meme that will end in all of us dying if there is a demon (very realistic possibility)

Guys what do we think are the chances the Unseen arenā€™t at capacity yet

Because I think they are

They are

Wisps arenā€™t visits tho

Or we could have an elctro?

So who cares about conversions on Dama

/vote Parfait

Also, canā€™t we just barrier whoever? Marl supports barrier on Dama but heā€™s the only one who knows 100% Dama is BD, apparently. Thereā€™s a valid argument to be made for barrier on anyone.

We could but why risk the demon? Someone DID die n1.

Those two are essentially the same thing. The fake claim CCed, and yeah, thatā€™s scummy af.

Uhhh? Please explain further.

My logbook will clear that up.

Could ne an Unseen kill still