SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Yeah. I’ll focus on FMs a bit more. The differences in ToL and FoL screw with my head, and when it’s a school week, I often can’t be thorough, like I was in Purgatory

At least if this is a BD Win I can put it on my match history

Also, I feel like I should apologise to Orange.

Orange will probably just be salty for a very short period of time before he forgets about it

Why DID you use that Merc fake claim to try to get Boss killed anyway?


That’s what makes me feel so awful about that play. There was very little logic, and it was insanely stupid: I wasn’t intending to get Boss killed. I skimmed, and missed his Ice ward claim. I thought it was uncontested, and was trying to bait Celeste into saying you were occ immune.

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So we are actually doing a scum kill then? Neet!

/Vote Parfait

I’m kinda sitting here like “What have I done?” So uhh. I guess you can thank me for the mess that is “Day 3”

I still honestly think Parfy slipped. I would give the benefit of the doubt here.
I’ll kill myself soon.

If it was a slip, then you wouldn’t be giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Slip. as in an honest mistake. Note I didn’t put Scum in front.

I see. Well, sadly, it’s not going to do much good.

Shrug, Gives you a hug.

Welp. Time to look at everyone.

I am currently looking at the two CW claims. On my instincts, I prefer Boss over the other guy (I AM TOO LAZY TO GO UP AND READ IM SORRY)

Don’t let this be your downfall

It will be.
I’ll die tonight… I think.

Hopefully Sage will Shock me in hopes for a (OH NOES) moment.

/vote parfait

Did Wolfy cc boss or vice versa?

Not sure.
I know Boss 100% ice warded me n2. Multiple people have confirmed it

All wolfy has done so far is barrier apparently. Barriered me n1, pretty convenient.

Barrier n1…?
How do notifications work in FoL anyway?
Well Imma find out for myself anyway.