SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

More like big time fails.

  1. Please quote the slip. Afaik, everything since the merc claim has been truthful
  2. Claiming that then voting me does nothing to help people suspecting you. The moment Marl said what he did, you back-pedalled.
    /vote Shurian

Except he is confirmed.
I would have been on that already

Literally done nothing but that since I was first accused. I havenā€™t scumslipped in anyway, yet I keep getting pressured on it.

I would also Vote Marl, however he is confirmed Town. He keeps making accusations, and then switching plans in order to bait people. First supporting a Celeste lynch, then claiming Sheriff. I occupied him night 1, and he was immune. If it werenā€™t for that, I wouldnā€™t believe the CW barrier and would say he was converted.
Is it possible that Fool was converted night 1, and Marl is occ immune unseen whoā€™s using the claim for cover?

Look even you understand why we are forced to execute you here
both because of the merc claim and the whole party shenanigans, in addition to the absurd amount of effort youā€™ve put into staying alive

If youā€™re neutral (like scorned) now is the time to start being honest and claim

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If Parfait were a non-NK neutral she wouldā€™ve already said so, sheā€™s being voted for such a long time now.

What occ immune Unseen? I know the prizes to the events. Iā€™m either trickster or fool and you just stated itā€™s impossible for me to be converted

Am I capable of misreading people? Yes
Am I scum? Absolutely not.

Merc claim ~ Fair, I stuffed up.
Party ~ Host mishap. Celesteā€™s deb result was edited for a similar reason. This will be confirmed when I flip
Effort into staying alive ~ The amount of people that will be mad at me if I flip BD ~ The only solution is to not flip.

Iā€™m not claiming scorned. That does nothing to help my case, except get me accused of more fake claims.

This is NOT just a host mishap. This is your own mishap for not reading your card, if youā€™re telling the truth. And I donā€™t mean to sound cynical but - Ici saying party as flavor text doesnā€™t seem like something heā€™d do. Iā€™m his special class and I didnā€™t get any extra flavor even!

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Well you werenā€™t silly enough to fall for this at least

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Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t read my card fully. Still doesnā€™t change the fact I got a party result.

Hereā€™s the thing. I doubt that Ici will purposefully give you that you ā€œpartied last nightā€ when its not in the class card.

Unless we want Ici to help confirm this.

Honestly: itā€™s a possibility that 3rd Unseen was an occ immune, and converted Fool is telling you results through night chat.
I posed it as a question because the chances are indeed, quite slim.
Thatā€™s also the reason I didnā€™t vote you.

I asked, but that would be confirming me as Butler, so he canā€™t do it.

Does Fool even have a night chat? It says he doesnā€™t know who his faction teammates are, which would imply he doesnā€™t.

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Fool donā€™t who is other unseen

Fool does not have a night chat. I converted pkr last game, so I would know.


It can be done in a noble style chat. No names, just roles.

Letā€™s pretend for even one minute that youā€™re telling the truth. And letā€™s pretend butler did have partyā€¦
Why would you party n2? You were one of the lurkers d2. You didnā€™t have to fear being attacked. Itā€™s sus as all hell.

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