SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!


you do realize that you dont have to type /abstain to abstain right?
lol you can just abstain

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Yeah thats good enough

Its to remind me to not vote

@Marluxion please tell me you arenā€™t going to townread this.

Thatā€™s normal Hippo
Him not giving a fuck is NAI

I mean it certainly isnā€™t earning him any extra townpoints but iā€™m not scum reading it either

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Well, fair enough I guess.
I donā€™t have the knowledge of past behaviour, but if you gave towncred for it I wouldnā€™t be very impressed

Now any questions before I sleep? Iā€™ll probably be hammered by morning.

Top 3 Scum?
Top 3 people to roleblock?
If you were unseen, who are your top two converts?
If you were NK, which 3 people would you kill first?

If i was the NK, i would have dolled u n1 and killed u n3

Go for it. At least iā€™m taking a bullet for the town then

But lets be honest, half of the game revolves upon you messing up without Marl, town wouldnt be having much conversation

Marl is no matter what, the best kill. If hes scum, then u would instantly out him somehow

How is marl the best killā€¦

I think you are all vastly overestimating how important trickster is to BD winning.

I struggle with the first one.
Techwolves definitely.
Then maybe Shurian and Hippo?
Hippo past behaviour thing takes away from that, and Shurianā€™s sudden distancing from me seemed kinda sus. I really donā€™t know to be honest.
Top 3 roleblocks?
First of all (assuming I live) I would concentrated wine you, as to prove myself as butler.
Next I would serve wine Shurian, and see the kill amount.
Then wine Techwolves and check kill count again.
Converts would be Celeste and Insanity, on a night where Celeste would be debbing instead of HH. Kinda easy to bus for towncred imo, but they also seem to be going unnoticed.
Top 3 kills as NK would be

(The converts would be later, as Unseen is likely at cap, and there is a lot of pressure with wisps and HHs currently)

Now. Anything else @Marluxion?

Mkay. Itā€™s now 2 AM. Iā€™ll be off the forums for a while.
Try not to /exe while Iā€™m gone :wink:

i wouldnt be investigating you though