SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Wait wait wait. There is no way that 4 Unseen visited PKR in the same night

@orangeandblack5 Who were the other 3 people?

Letā€™s face it you did though.

Look who he put there. Those he deemed suspicious. Itā€™s definitely bait.

No one claimed he did. Orange only said that I did.

Orange just said multiple people visited pkr, not that there were 4 or they were all unseen. He is trying to find out which of them is telling the truth by seeing who lies about visiting pkr.

If you are BD how is it town sided to call out bait for bait and thus stop potential scum being baited.


Never mind that, Hippo. I canā€™t read shit.

U may not have visited pkr but ur deffo scum vulgard.

Simon is a Spec/Inv when I flirted him, so heā€™s not MM nor Unseen Scum

I recall he claimed Sheriff.

But mm is special.

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I thought Simon claimed Maid

And Hippo, if you were MM, would you go and try to convert or use foresight to find their class type if youā€™re gonna kill them that night?

Maid is Special invest

yeah, I know

Well that eliminates the suspect as Simon from this process of elimination.

Which brings it down to Shurian, Nuclear, and Vulgard

By the way, thatā€™s not it. Iā€™m calling out the bait because I donā€™t think this particular bait is town-motivated. Take it as you will.

I donā€™t know what Shurian claimed, nor Vulgard;

is it above in the chat?

I mean nuclears lying about his claim and vulgard is clearly scum so shurian prolly legit.

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