SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Oh god no. Not after I spent this much time

So if you donā€™t mind, vote pardon (just in case) so parfait doesnā€™t get mislynched
so we can hang tech

Literally why I was sure Boss was clear

you probably dont need to claim for real today yet

you literally did

I suppose even if she is a butler, trying to do something she canā€™t IS a slip :thinking:

Not planning on it

The only thing I slipped on is the wine on the floor from the party that Iā€¦ didnā€™t have.
Dammit Ici, why do you have to make things awkward for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Postgame will clear everything up, donā€™t worry.

That is your fault entirely tbf

Yeah, honestly, I didnā€™t read the description after seeing it had the same name.
That part is my fault.
But apparently neither did Ici.
I wonder if anyone who visited me would have gotten the occ message.

Fair Warning to the Assassin
When you become the Mastermind, if you convert me you are shooting yourself in the foot. I will continue to scumhunt like normal as I wonā€™t know who you are.

Same thing here. If you convert me, my VI life will just get me executed.

2 things

1: still down to hang parfait tomorrow

2: if you are bd donā€™t wine me

Letā€™s see what happens overnight
@Margaret If you suspect someone of being scum, Deb em.

Iā€™m starting to lose track of plans


Wisp someone you think is BD
pretty much

/pardon btw

wisping only works if people visit them