SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

tech is either at l1 or l2


How about now

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Either dead or L1
I think dead

you are right, but i would like to point out im in more fm/fol games now than ive ever been before


@Icibalus kay now tech is most DEFINITELY DEAD
@Margaret remember to deb vulgard

And remember - for gods sake leave a journal if youā€™re bd

Boss remember to ward me.

got it


Welcome to the realm of the reality, Icibalus.
Just remember thereā€™s no way for Marl to bus one member of Unseen since heā€™s investigated as social/support and he claimed trickster therefor no reason for him to lie and my RB passive is proven during the election.

Why tf did we just execute this if 48 hours were just added to the day wtf

cuz this day has gone on for so long already

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^ Ye boi


And Iā€™m still poisoned btw

I only have this word for you.

We donā€™t need no stinkinā€™ handicaps

@techwolves Youā€™re dead! If you have any last words, Iā€™d post em before Ici actually gets around to flipping you :wink:

Marl are we still doing your night plan?



If this is the sage, yes. Then again, we donā€™t even know what kind of NK weā€™re up against.