SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

I decided against the gigantic night plan because if our NK is a demon it’d lead to 5 deaths.

I don’t even think wisps are visits

insert sarcastic comment about mod errors

Anyway, @eevee were you prevented on guarding Polik last night?

Good point

I was gonna visit insanity but last second I changed my mind.

Orange who’s your contract kill them to contract me.

I just got oranges exact class with my Maid ability and he is 100% Merc.

Also basically all the good BD are dead now lol. But hey, at least we got like 3 princesses now am I rite

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Idea; Orange contracts me instead since nobody benefits from me dying :thinking:

Only Simon?


So, wait a moment… Who’d you matchmake orange with?

Shurian probably duh :roll_eyes:

Is it possible Orange is the NK?


That’s probably Shurian

Which was the entire point of what I just said

I thought that but a princess said he was social/support.

It’s down to just Shurian, Hippo, Parfait for NK

Technically maybe Simon but I doubt it atm

isn’t this the princess who said he was social/support
(if not, can you direct me to their post? If I were Vulgard, I’d examine orange to see if he could be converted tbh.)

Vulgard isn’t Princess

And I think it was Liv iirc

If Simon is NK, he is Electro/Druid. And we haven’t had any announcements. So he has to be electro if he’s the NK (since he was caught on a wisp.)

Shurian was also caught on this same wisp. so the same thing applies