SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!


I mean if youā€™re going to meme claim all game and not really help town, the least you could do is respect a mechanical check, yee? :man_shrugging:

Albeit youā€™ve already helped the town more by doing nothing than what Celeste had done

At least Hippo is more BD than Shurian atm

Yeah but Shurian will probably kill himself tonight

Heā€™s Electro

So no

If he doesnā€™t die tonight, weā€™ll have to hang him.

Unless*** an Unseen dies tonight.

Not happening

Is electro occ immune?


Has Shurian claimed to have guarded Parfait?

Youā€™re right. Itā€™s almost like I give 0 fucks who wins.

Actually, Parfait needs to be on them either way

There it is lmao

Although it will be really funny if Hippo is NK instead of Shurian

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No, Shurian guarded a princess
One of the wisping ones. I think Frost?

Youā€™re correct, and did anyone get Insanityā€™s wisp?

Nope, nobody visited Insanity idt
No bd has claimed to at least

Then that was a mistakeā€¦

For Insanity


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And let Orange tell us who you compared Hip with before you tell us your results.

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