SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

All we need is for Wolfy to confirm the barrier, then you’re clear!

No… You’re sus… you’re dying tonight if I live through this.


Physician could be a fake claim.
If you’re Knight, you’ll die when CSing me.
If you’re Electro, I’ll die when occupying you.

What if the Electro has shocked you and is awaiting for you to do it again? Isn’t that what the Electro wants?

Let me die while CSing you, it’s the best way out. I was not barriered, and received a message that I was occupied last night.

If I were to be shocked now, it will be a waste of his night ability, and I’m pretty sure that cannot happen… Right?

Or, you’re electro trying to buy time to shock me.
It could already have been done, considering I got the same result when I tried to occupy Marl, and he was barriered.

If it had already been done, you would have died

I would have died too >_>

Arguing that you aren’t occ immune and there was no barrier, makes you seem more sus then if you admitted it failed. I get that occ immunity is usually a bad thing, but this is worse.

I meant, done last night, when I occupied you but failed

But I am not occ immune!

I know that D:

And I’m telling you I was Occupied!

Shurian… why did you lie earlier and say you tried to CS Wolfy?

Uh oh.

Uh oh indeed

Hence why you were barriered

Isn’t the Electrocutioner occupy immune? (Pre-rework Electro.)

I think its pretty clear I’m not Blue Dragon at this point >>_

I was occupied. No doubt.

Well, thanks for making it easy I suppose.
Let’s hammer this guy soon so the game doesn’t run into ici’s birthday time :wink: