SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

D: I didnt wanna go so fast



Since weā€™re being honest here, the roleblock on Shurian was a success. After 1000 subtle hints he wouldnā€™t lie about being immune. I was baiting Wolfy into confirming a barrier, but it kinda went too far before he got a chance to read my pings, feelsbadman.
On another note, Iā€™ve poisoned Eevee for the reasons Iā€™ve already mentioned. A jailed claim into 2 HH claims just makes me think he was converted and doesnā€™t want to be found out. at worst, we confirm a physician if Orange watches king.
Also, my predictions are;
Wolfy - Sage
Vulgard - MM - Dead
Tech - Assassin - Dead
Eevee - Drunk -> EK (First Convert)
NB - Assassin (Pity Convert, Hence Wolfy is sage)

When I roleblocked Wolfy, there was one kill. This disproves him from being Assassin, UNLESS POLIK WAS CHARGED AND VISITED SHURIAN

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Reading is funā€¦

I said I barriered Livicus, hoping they gave of a wisp

We would like to remind you there are no errors in the results last night. I have checked.

We trust you Ici :smile:
How many votes for Shurian though?


Shurian - 6 -Orangeanblack5, NuclearBurrito, Simon, Wolfy, Insanity, Marluxion -ON TRIAL
Nuclear - 1 - Eevee

/vote Shurian

Shurian is on trial.


Physicians, I want you to both heal Eevee, if you believe he is BD. Orange should watch to confirm, and Eevee can guard orange.

Since she admitted to not being bd
Sorry Shurian :sob:

just let orange follow Wolfy, healer heal eevee, eevee guard orange, you roleblock nuke.


That also works, yes.

Iā€™ve been doing it wrong

I still dont know if Shurian is a she or a he tbh

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At least we know the fact that you are bronze :smirk:

That was trollbox. Obviously.

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