SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

straight from my logs, you’re welcome. That’s everyone still alive who doesn’t have royal blood

It was parfait and it was a lie

Nerbins did

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Actualy did Nerbins claim a real role?

idk idc what does it matter

He’s not in the game

Nerbins isn’t in this game, is he? :thinking:

He could be a new MM. Duh.

Okay, do we want Shurian dead or Unseen dead? That’s the main question.

Shurian dead so he can’t set off a huge multi-kill.


Actually… I just set off my multikill >_>

There ain’t any charged people as of now because I was occupied >_>

Lemme live? :3

You won’t live to see victory, it’ll just be forcing you to live another day until your inevitable fate :cry:

Who said that Orange was a support class guys?

No way am I taking that risk with an occ immune class

I know… but but but…

I get to talk! I don’t wanna die yet! :3


I already told you

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I didn’t see it because I lost connection on my phone cuz terrible school internet. So sorry that I had to ask again :roll_eyes:

It was in fact Hippo
The alchemist
who seemed to be pulling random bullshit out of his ass daily

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