SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

yeah, like me, i know if i tried i would most likely mess something up
plus it is totally not my playstyle to lie as town, at least not direct, conformation, I’m-intentionally-saying-something-false lying. i do lie by omission when needed

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So basically you’re what @Parfait needs to be :stuck_out_tongue:

(if I start to actually offend you btw let me know and I’ll stop)

(nah your fine)

(I meant Parfait - I think pretty highly of your self-reflection :+1: )

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You don’t know my style yet :wink:
Just wait until we play future games together, and I’ll make some 10000 IQ play that everyone will doubt me for, because I act like VI all the time.

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I’m ready :+1:

( ( ( PRESSURE ) ) )
(Time to start planning how to impress Orange)

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I have a hint @Parfait. Start by claiming his merc as some other role. It usualy works.


Technically that strategy does have a 100% success rate at the moment

Don’t worry about how many times it’s been tried

Although it isn’t very original either

Acussing someone of being doc when you are a doc?

That’s probably ok because the real one won’t CC you

Claiming a mafia as town to get NK out via reaction test?

Claiming a mason with other mafia as mafia, after destroying a light tank wich belonged to mafia?

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Wait a second, that’s starndard fakeclaiming and not fpsing. Still works tho.

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you lost me at tank

I was most lost when I saw “Light Tank joined a maf chat”

“Light Tank: On position, awaiting orders!”

Best FM using tanks to kill people ever.
Tho somehow this tank never hit anyone.

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