SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

I was thinking the same thing tbh. I still swear Insanitiy made a slip saying he ended up doing four wisps because he said he did a fail wisp on day three I think?

Never mind. My maths is terrible right now, but still doesn’t change the course of action

Has anyone ever gotten any of your wisps? NO, correct?


No one visited me for somereason.

I thought people would follow your procedure.

You can’t really blame us for hanging you first then, yeah?
If you are BD, you’ll still win with us.

Can we have your full log of actions please?

Ye Follow Marl’s plan.

Just don’t forget to link wolfy
if you don’t, they won’t believe you linking me and might hang you, lel.

Or wait
Dama, better idea
Use your announcement now
Only the assassin is left so if you use it you’ll prove to EVERYONE you’re bd.


im good

You hear a message enter your minds!

Hello this is Dama.

A man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the palce where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

At first, the man felt excited having the smartest parrot, but he could not understand why the bird would not say the word. He decided to teach the bird to say Catano. However, the bird kept not say it. At first, he was really kind to the bird, but then he got really angry.

“You stupid bird!” Said the man to the parrot.

“Why won’t you say the word? Say Catano or I’ll kill you!”

The bird did not say it.

The man got so angry he shouted to the bird over and over, “say Catano or I’ll kill you!”

One day, after trying to teach the bird, the man got so angry, he threw the parrot into a chicken coop. There were four old chickens inside.

“You’re as stupid as a chicken. Just stay with them!” He said, seething. The man planned to eat the parrot for dinner.

However, when the man entered the chicken coop in the evening, what greeted him surprised him. There were three dead chickens on the floor. At one corner, the parrot was standing proudly on the last old chicken. It stared at the man, and said proudly,

“Say Catano or I’ll kill you!”


N1: PKR - nothing
N2: PKR - prevented
N3: Celeste - visited Vulgard, visited by Vulgard
Bird says hippo left room
N4: Nuclear visited Parfait, was visited by nobody
Did not get bird result on Insanity, I assume this means they did not leave
N5: Window Peek Marluxion - BD
Did not get bird result on Marluxion

Also I confirmed that Insanity was RB’d before they even said it, so I’m pretty confirmed lmao

Well you would have been a nightwatch at the time so you aren’t confirmed

/vote Insanity

But your claim is more believable than insanity’s

Wait a second. Give me full list of who is alive.

Oh I see

Honestly at this point I’m pretty sure that Eevee got turned evil in exchange for his life but I’m down with your plan for now


Me, You, Simon, Wolfy, Insanity, Dama, Orange