SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

If there is an assassin and not an evil king, that’s what we are to assume.

Wolfy was caught on a wisp. He can’t have been sage
You window peeked me so
other than a bastard convert, it covers everyone

/doublevote Insanity

Don’t have decide so might as well…

@Wolfy did you use your day ability at least once and on whom?

well that’s not 100% is it now


Lynch me if you want to.

Even if there was a conversion - it’s game.

Unseen would have to no kill to frame me, then we will just plan/automate night actions with BD Invest (Simon/you) for as long as noone dies or claims poisoned or all are investigated and we will decide from there.

And I win any 1vs1and still got Marl’s armor sooooo…

It’s really huge advantage rn

Insanity the male princess
N1: Flirt wolfy: Support/Social - Support
N2: I messed up my will-o-wisp
N3: Will-o-wisp Marluxion, no one visited me.
N4:Flirt Oranjee - Special/ Investigative - Investigative
N5: Flirt Nuclear, occupied, but why did I feel like I got the result for 3 minutes?
N6: Will-o-wisp Marluxion again, but no one visited me.

My log here.

What if I said that I visited you to protect Royal Blood in case I died cause of devil pact?

Used it on Boss once

Still have another use

You winning 1vs1 is precisely why if there are no night kills we have to hang you (assuming neither orange nor simon catch the other.)

To reiterate
@Simon After hanging insanity, compare me with orange
@orangeandblack5 Window peek Simon

Majority was reached on Insanity

Insanity is on trial!



Sorry bud if you’re really BD…

Need 2 more @Simon @eevee @Damafaud @orangeandblack5

That’s why I said bit above it that if there is no night kills OR poison claims, we will just automate the night plan till everyone is investigated and then hang person who lies (or me if I would be evil).


A reminder ya’ll can vote on Night Plans to make this go quicker.