SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Wins Prize to enhance my debauch ability
Debauches NK

I mean you can Debauch the nk as both alcoholic and drunk
so even if youā€™re converted, maybe youā€™ll just yolo debauch the nk
The instant a drunk uses hangover, weā€™ll know one of you or eevee is scum anyways.

I am not going to nominate either Princess claim, one of them is clearly lying unless the 2-of-the-same-class limit doesnā€™t apply here for some reason.

With that, I /nominate Eevee

To be fair, Frostā€™s claim seems the most suspicious of the three because he stepped up after the ā€œRoyal Blood periodā€, if Iā€™m not mistaken. It could be just him waking up too late or something, Iā€™m not saying heā€™s 100% scum, but still.

Also, we apparently have no Nobles, so Iā€™m counting the 5 Royal Blood claims as the only Royal Blood classes we have and any Royal Blood claim after that will be really suspicious.

Ok my log is ready to out Marl

/Nominate Eevee
Yeah, the princesses are too high risk right now.

Sorry, Iā€™ve been quite inactive here recently.
Anyway, I figured itā€™s my time to claim. Iā€™m Marlā€™s Mercenary! ^-^
And also

/nominate Eevee

Additionally, confirming all three via wisps and visits requires too much resources. Which is another reason why Iā€™d definitely execute one of the Princess claims today, unless some other, better lynch ā€œappearsā€.

did you use you guard??

Did you guard last night?

What do you think?

Donā€™t dodge the question, answer it directly please.
Iā€™m assuming youā€™re answering yes? This is a big deal if so

@Icibalus If I were to be Ice Warded by a court wizard and guarded by a mercenary, would the Ice Ward be prevented or successful?


I think Successful cuz I dont think ice ward is a visit :thinking:

Why would Ice Ward not be a visit? It says that NO WHERE on the class card.

Dunno :woman_shrugging:

I feel like Marl is kinda popular. We need a list of what everyone has claimed to do to him.


can you plz answer did you use guard? my life and claim depend on it

At this point ive given up on individual thinking, hive mind is active. Let us vote up Shurian cuz i have bad feeling about him :thinking:

Congrats on Guide

She clearly answered yes.