SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Thx, that makes things a lot more easier.

@Icibalus No target prompt on last nights action?

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I donā€™t think he can openly discuss that here unless he made an error 100%.
Otherwise itā€™d give away your class.

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Talk to him in your class card :wink:

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Yeah. Fair enough

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At the very least, weā€™ve established VI of the year award

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@Icibalus /join

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Should I spam my love here?

@Wolfy Barrier Livicus (@Livicus Make sure you wisp me.)
@Simon Investigate Frostwolf (@Frostwolf103 Make sure you wisp me.)
@Boss110 Barrier Insanity (@Insanity make sure to wisp me.)
@eevee Guard me so I canā€™t die before giving us all this info
@Margaret Happy Hour me so I canā€™t be converted before giving us all this info

The plan is a-go!


I still thnk that 5th Royal Blood is greedy.

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btw if youā€™re still voting Livicus for king, make sure that vote gets swapped to Eevee

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Lets modkill Marl for editing message!


I removed a giant block of text that i didnā€™t intend to have there. I expected it to not actually count as an edit as i did it within 5 seconds lol
It was just me quoting the plan from earlier


Btw the turbo mafia event signups are reopened:

  1. Eevee (pre-inned)
  2. NuclearBurrito
  3. Orangeandblack5

Post /join or /in to join.

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Also, the reason I changed the plan to have @Wolfy Barrier instead of @orangeandblack5 investigate, is if Wolfy is Sage, he canā€™t actually barrier Livicus otherwise Livicus will receive his own wisp.

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Iā€™m psychic, I could read Iciā€™s mind :stuck_out_tongue:

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And if Iā€™m sshocked by the Sage and I am legit CW?

Also /in

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Bored .-.

It wonā€™t happen.

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