SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Yes Parfait

I will grant your final request

Don’t be a moron and just do as I say
If you mess my plan up I will death tunnel you.

Arent you already doing that like every game?

CW use pants on fire, so at least I can confirm 1 bd before I die.

If you think this is heat you need to get outta the kitchen

Thats sexist

Sage has PoF too.

I still can’t believe you guys are still voting for King.

We Have to wait 24 Hours

Why were wolfy and boss having a PoF stand-off then?

Ah. That makes sense.

Well with 21 players its hard to get majority when half of them are afk

Whos Boss

Who knows?


… Are you serious?

Like what did he claim

Yes 100% serious, I have short term memory

Let’s let parfait live one more day so we can just hang Celeste immediately