SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!


We must educate him!!


Parfait saying this makes Boss v. Wolfy almost guaranteed TvT

A Sage who visited Celeste N2?

Or do you have a better explanation for their N2 actions?

Anyways this feels like a pretty crap strategy

Still leaning towards the Parfait lynch

Wouldnā€™t be entirely against Celeste though so w/e

like i said
plot twist turn out hippo was sage
(what is his claim too?)

Orange why would sage need to visit me

Hippo claimed shocked night 1
Celesteā€™s deb failed.
This confirms the presence of a sage.
2 CW claims accuse each other of being sage.
I infer that one of them is probably sage.
I fake claimed, so all of that logic is disregarded?

Dont really see how wolfy can be sage tbh

I wonā€™t discount anything right now. I have a feeling that Parfy is a Nicey Bd.


Maybe Iā€™m just relying too much on instincts.

Instincts for life

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since there is sage one of CW claim is prob evil

but it also possible too that both me and wolfy are CW btw

Assassin. Attack me. I dare you to when your sage shocks me.

Good luck people. Im dying tonight D:

Or maybe you arenā€™t relying enough? Remember purgatory?

I was led around by youā€¦
At the end when you dropped me in your read list, i got reaallly suspicious, but didnā€™t write it down D: