SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Ici has been testing out stuff so wouldnt be surprised if he is testing a newer NK

I read it i think itā€™s jammys but I might be wrong

Iā€™m thinking its more likely to be druid or electrocuter.

seems slightly convuluted but at least it can ki every night

glares at electrocutioner

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Cuz 1 KPN is what you would expect in an Unseen game with no NK kills.

I accidentally deleted my post halp

No Druid notifs yet, Electro shouldve gotten 1 person killed by now

It seems like NK killed pkr based off death note.

Reload page?

Doubt it though

If thatā€™s the case then the Assassin would have failed to kill. I have a feeling that didnā€™t happen

plus its a 21 player game. Donā€™t forget that.

Still seems odd.

I think NK is Shamen getting dolls

I donā€™t think shamans actually been in a game before so I hope so.

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Shurian will dedinitely be dolled tonight if its a Shaman

It may have been on a meme chaos game actually.

I doubt that

You doubting something makes it more probable tbqh.

Very true