SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

orange im not trying to defend nucular why would i have him in my logs

I think NK and Unseen might have stacked on PKR

@NuclearBurrito care to fess up

Iā€™m good. I stand by my claim

Thereā€™s no neutral fool in this, I think we should probably put Nuclear up on the stand

Well, either orange or Nuclear is lying in this case

Orange could be a scorned

But i may be wrong

No N1 heal target lmao

There were multiple PKR visitors

Still waiting to hear from the rest

Lmao, itā€™s impossible that I visited PKR. My class canā€™t have done this.

Orange is trying to bait scum here, but Iā€™m not one of them.

Also, we know thereā€™s a Sage. Unless NK killed PKR, he shouldā€™ve been WoFā€™d.

In which case, itā€™s impossible for any ā€œvisitorsā€ to have been there, except for the Assassin.

lmao he thinks Iā€™m baiting

Iā€™m poisoned

Who are the peeps who claimed Phys and Alch?

Other than Nuclear that is

Hippo claimed Physician as well.

The problem now is that theyā€™ll use me to distract the healers and also possibly convert me when Iā€™m getting healed

Ok then. Ill heal you to prove and Hippo can heal someone else because heā€™s not being accused.

So youā€™re calling me a liar

But not pushing me

And not claiming a D1 heal

But why would MM visit twice?