SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

It’s gotta be A

Sage is no more

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4 Unseen, 3 starting
Assassin died.
3 Unseen remain.
Sage is very possible

That would imply that one of the CW’s are converted. We could easily test that with Simon.

I roleblocked Wolfy. If Eevee didn’t get WoF, and nobody claims shocked, then we’ve found the sage (most likely)

Unless Sage held off on using abilities for that reason

So… Eevee is the convert who stepped up?

I didn’t consider that one. Very possible. He might claim WoF tho

It’s very possible that Eevee didn’t guard simply because of poor planning. Counting him we have 4 TP and none of them thought to guard him. At least 1 of them has to be good.

So the assumption for now is that
Eevee is conv king
Vulgard confirmed MM because of Ici quickly buffing Unseen after Celeste outed what happened?
Who else?

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All 3 Princess claims have a wisp backing them up so they are clear. Unless I missed something with them anyway.

Insanity had no visits afaik

Oh. NVM then derp.

If he’s not just dumb and forgot

Gdi why did I wisp the King, I should’ve just wisped Marl but I got greedy and wanted to test the alignment of Eevee

Just remembered. Eevee was out on a trip, so he couldn’t do any night actions.

I’m not sure if you can point that stuff out.
But the trip shouldn’t stop the 5mins shouldn’t stop him from typing in /guard Polik


/Vote Vulgard
Get him up to trial at least while we discuss things.

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From what I see, he declared himself gone before the end of the day.

I don’t think that’s the best idea. We have 72 hours to discuss things, and by voting Vulgard up, we open ourselves up to a /decide fate, leaving the Unseen with a new MM.

No worries. I shall have a heroic fate today.
No one was shocked. So Yolo
If there is another knight you know what to do.

We don’t know for sure that was the buff. We need to play this out like normal tbh. And Vulgard is our lynch 100% today.