SFoL17.5 - The Carnival - Psychopathic King wins! - Icibalus Loses\!

Boss is the convert.

sage can also use dark rune too!

I’m just gonna roll with it. You’ll see when I flip butler, and then you guys can be mad with me for that instead haha
I’m unconfirmable, so what more can I do? (Other than not try to fakeclaim like a moron xD)

Go on then CW…

Pants on Fire me. This will clear the mess up as it will confirm me as “Sage”. I mean, you do want to clear yourself and make me confirmed scum after all. Sooo, perhaps it might be best you take part in this test

They had a sage n1 because hippo was shocked n1


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So unseen started with sage and converted a duchess?

Now I’m imagining a western-style standoff where Wolfy and Boss are just waiting to light each other’s pants on fire, causing the other to light his own pants on fire effectively doing nothing.


Yeah but then the 3 princesses all with royal blood makes no sense
i’m dumb

Does it work like that? I would think that duchess is one of the 2 princesses.

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At this point I just regret posting here ._.

You should. Nothing you say makes sense as BD.

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Also, likelihood of the Unseen killing me will be low after me being confriemd so they can use me as a scapegoat at the end

plot twist turn out hippo was sage


“Liar, Liar, pants on -” SHOT


I’m telling you, Boss is the liar liar with his pants on fire

Fakeclaim merc so Celeste prove deb
-> Boss actually barriered Marl n1
-> Celeste didn’t even target Marl (Misread)
Real claim butler
-> No target confirmation from Ici
-> Seen as scumslip
And thus began the 2 AM spiral of trying to prove myself
I’m not mad if I die, I just don’t want anybody else to be mad when I flip BD

you want me to use pant on fire? i will go sleep soon now

Like I said
We won’t be mad at you, We’ll be mad at Ici
If you’re really town

absolutely not

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