SFoL17 - The Carnival - Re-rolled

I guess, or maybe he could be lying about not being Sheriff/Pally to keep people from attacking

Why would you say this

Sips both cups of wine at once.

Literally anyone couldā€™ve said so.

But if the evils were dumb they wouldnā€™t consider the possibility!

I donā€™t think anyone here is dumb.

But, what if I am the sheriff/pally and iā€™m just trying to reverse-reverse psychology the evils?

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This is why this discussion is going nowhere :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I think Marl is BD or Unseen

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Why did you not propose the possibility of cult?

Do you know for a fact itā€™s an unseen game, Damafaud?

Oh yeah that also


But cults die fast so unless youā€™re Cult Leader thereā€™s no need to do complicated claim like this

I think I narrowed down Marlā€™s alignment.

Heā€™s BD, Neutral, Unseen, or Cult.

Seriously though, this is pointless to discuss further. Marlā€™s reveal as ā€œBD Investigative, convert immuneā€ could mean many things, and we went over a few of them.

I wouldnā€™t suspect Marl of being evil though. At least not now.

anyone here ask for guard beside marl? he is the only one here ask for it

Donā€™t guard just save it for later tbh

Are you implying that you would rather guard literally anyone who asks over me? :sob:

Deffo donā€™t guard marl tho